Survey Unit

The Survey Program will assist’s First Nation’s by administering contracts for survey projects identified from the Land Use Planning process as well as working with other ISC identified projects.

Technical Support
Provide First Nations with technical support, advice, and capacity building as it relates to Surveying.

Program Objectives

  1. Delivery of INAC Grants and Contributions Survey Program specifically for First Nations throughout Canada with exception of Operational First Nations Land Management Act (FNLMA).
  2. Survey program to be delivered through NALMA as part of their Infrastructure Project Funding.
  3. Typical priorities of surveys recommended by ISC:
    1. Set Asides – Section 18(2)
    2. Land Designations – Section 53
    3. First Nation Allotments – Section 20
    4. Permits – Section 28(2)
    5. Re-survey of Exterior Boundaries
    6. Additions to Reserve
    7. Land Use Mapping for Band Land Purposes
    8. Other surveys to support land administration as recommended by ISC
  4. Collaborate with INAC- HQ, NRCan-HQ and their respective regions to:
    1. Ensure project readiness
    2. Provide ongoing communication to ensure issues are addressed during all phases of the project; 
    3. Program delivery available in both official languages as required

Other Activities

The survey unit participates in the following projects:

  • Attend site visits to various locations when required and when feasible.
  • Develop contacts with industry related professionals in GIS, GPS and CAD programs
  • Investigating opportunities for the development of a GIS training program for NALMA members

Program Procedures

The following is a brief description of some of the ways that NALMA provides services. 

Contract Administration

NALMA receives the recommended projects and begins the survey process.

  1. A formal request to process is sent to the First Nation
  2. Request for quote is sent to the Canada Lands Surveyor
  3. Evaluation of quote
  4. Award the contract
  5. Monitoring the contract
  6. Payment of invoices upon completion

NALMA will provide the First Nation with Technical support with issues in regard to surveying by providing sketches, advice on surveying related matters, liaise with, Geographic Information Systems GIS professionals, Association of Canada Lands Surveyors (ACLS), Natural Resources Canada, Surveyor General Branch (NRCAN SGB), ISC offices as necessary.

For more information about the Survey Toolkit, please click here. A list of upcoming training sessions can be found on the events calendar at


The resources below are Surveyor General Branch publications, NALMA is providing this for information purposes only. Please direct any questions about the publications below to the Surveyor General Branch.

Surveying of First Nation lands managed under the Indian Act

Arpentage Des Terres Des Premieres Nations Gerees En Vertu De La Loi Sur Les Indiens

Contact Us:

Graeme Sandy
Survey Program Manager

Phone:  519-757-6881