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Request for Proposals: COEMRP Dispute Resolution Project

The National Aboriginal Lands Managers Association (NALMA) is requesting proposals from experienced consultants or firms for the development of two dispute resolution models.  These models would be for use by First Nations wishing to provide on-reserve spouses and common-law partners with a mechanism to resolve matrimonial real property disputes on separation or survivorship. Additional deliverables include training materials to be used to introduce the models and provide instruction on the use, customization and implementation of the model and a work-book to guide the First Nation technicians or committee tasked with the development, customization and implementation of the dispute resolution process.

Proposals will be received by the National Aboriginal Lands Managers Association located at 1024 Mississauga Street, Curve Lake, Ontario K0L 1R0 until 4:30 pm on August 24, 2018. Proposals can also be emailed to Leona Irons – Executive Director at with the subject line COEMRP Dispute Resolution Proposal. Proposals received after the closing date will not be considered.


The RFP Contacts are Kathy McCue, MRP Specialist West–  (available now until August 17th) and Chris Angeconeb, MRP Specialist East – (available August 17 – August 24).

The proponent is responsible for obtaining any needed clarification. Questions should be directed in writing to the RFP contact.

RFP COEMRP Dispute Resolution project