Land Use Planning

The 25/26 Land Use Planning Funding Initiative Call for Proposal has now closed.

About the Initiative

First Nations may apply to the National Aboriginal Lands Managers Association (NALMA) for funding to assist in the development of their Land Use Plans (LUP). Eligible Land Use Planning projects through this program include the planning and administration of reserve lands, and lands that are included in an active Additions to Reserve process. NALMA may provide First Nation communities with technical support and training throughout the LUP process as needed.

Your community may be eligible to receive funding to undertake background research for a planning process, for the development of a land use plan, or to update an existing land use plan. Please note that the amount of funding approved for your land use plan will depend on eligible project activities and available budgets, while the time required to complete your plan may vary. Applicants will be required to demonstrate the support of the First Nation’s Band Council for undertaking land use planning work by way of a Band Council Resolution.

There are three separate funding categories you can apply for:

Category 1: Background Report (Pre-planning)

  • Maximum funding of $75,000 for projects up to 1-year in length.
  • Apply for Category 1 funding if your community does not have a land use plan in place.
  • Eligible project activities include (and are not limited to):
    • Background research to inform the development of a land use plan,
    • Creating a land use planning team,
    • Community outreach and developing a Communications Strategy
    • Preliminary community engagement and developing an Engagement Strategy,
    • Developing a Land Use Plan vision, goals, objectives, and timelines,
    • Identifying key issues to be addressed through the development of a land use plan,
    • Developing a geodatabase, and preliminary mapping
    • Development of background report or LUP Terms of Reference,
    • Professional services as required.

Category 2: Land Use Plan Development, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation

  • Only applicants who have Completed Category 1 (or suitable alternative pre-planning activities*) are eligible to apply for Category 2 Funding
  • Maximum funding of $175,000 for projects up to 2-years in length.
  • Apply for Category 2 funding if your community is ready to develop a land use plan (i.e., you have already completed pre-planning activities)
  • Eligible project activities include (and are not limited to):
    • Development of land use plan based on background research,
    • Data analysis and mapping,
    • Community engagement,
    • Development of action plan,
    • Identification and/or development of companion By-Laws, including a Zoning By-Law,
    • Development of an Implementation Plan, including outlining a decision-making process for the First Nation to review proposed developments,
    • Monitoring and Evaluation plan, including outlining a plan review and update process,
    • Professional services as required.

*NALMA will determine whether alternative pre-planning activities are suitable on a case-by-case basis.

Category 3: Updating an Existing Land Use Plan

  • Maximum funding of $75,000 for projects up to 1-year in length.
  • Apply for Category 3 funding if your community has an existing land use plan. Eligible projects include land use plans that are at least 10 years old as well as those less than 10 years old where new lands have been added to reserve and are not covered under an active land use plan.
  • Eligible project activities include (and are not limited to):
    • Reviewing and updating land use plan,
    • Amendments to land use plan or planning bylaws,
    • Updating mapping,
    • Incorporating new lands, infrastructure and development into existing land use plan,
    • Reviewing and updating action plans,
    • Monitoring and evaluation of existing land use plan,
    • Community engagement,
    • Professional services as required.

Funding provided will be based on proposals received and reviewed by NALMA. In instances where the number of proposals received exceed available budgets, NALMA may prioritize based on the following criteria, in no particular order:

  • First Nations that have recently completed or are currently undergoing an Additions-to-Reserve (ATR) process and require a LUP for the ATR lands.
  • First Nations participating in the Reserve Land and Environment Management Program (RLEMP) and have prioritized the need to complete a LUP.
  • First Nations seeking to develop or increase economic opportunities that require a LUP.
  • First Nations that have completed, or are currently undergoing, Comprehensive Community Planning and are interested in an associated LUP.

Note: Land Surveys are not eligible costs within this funding initiative. If your community requires survey funding to support land use planning or other community initiatives, please contact your respective ISC-LED Regional Office or the NALMA Survey Unit.


First Nation communities in Canada are eligible to apply for funding through this Initiative. This Initiative is intended for First Nations operating under the Indian Act. A Band Council Resolution from the First Nation, signed by Chief, and/or Senior Administrator is required by NALMA to ensure community leadership is in support of completed applications.

Note: First Nations (developmental or operational) under the Framework Agreement on First Nations Land Management are ineligible to access these funds as support is provided by the First Nations Land Management Resource Centre. For more information go to

Application Deadline

The 2025-26 Funding call out closed on Friday, February 21, 2025 at 5PM PST.

Completed applications must be submitted through email to:
Please write in subject line:
NALMA LUP/Category of funding being applied to_/ Name of First Nation

A submitted application will include:

  • Completed Application Form (e.g., Category 1, Category 2, or Category 3),
  • Band Council Resolution, passed by applicant First Nation Band Council,
  • Project Proposal, and,
  • Other supporting documents (as listed in Application Form).


For further information on the Land Use Planning Initiative or related LUP capacity building activities please contact:

Alexander Marques
LUP Program Specialist
Phone: 705-741-6941

Krista Knott
LUP Program Administrative Support
Phone: 705-933-4579

Philip Beaver
LUP Funding Officer
Phone: (705) 875-1024