Professional Lands Management Certification Program
In order to implement the Reserve Land and Environment Management Program (RLEMP), NALMA in collaboration with INAC and subject matter experts developed the Professional Lands Management Certification Program (PLMCP). NALMA’s PLMCP is used across Canada to signify that a Land Manager meets specific criteria, keeps current in the field, and adheres to a professional Code of Ethics. It represents both an achievement and a responsibility for the individual Land Manager.
A Land Manager successfully completing Level One: Post-Secondary Training and Level Two: Technical Training will be eligible to receive a Professional Lands Management Certification certificate from NALMA.
Level One: Post Secondary Training
There are currently four post-secondary institutions with options for completing Level One of PLMCP available: Algoma University, the University of Saskatchewan, Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue and Vancouver Island University. Each program offers different courses and formats. Below is a brief description of each option and links to learn more.
The Kanawayihetaytan Askiy (KA) Program at the University of Saskatchewan
The KA Program, formerly the Indigenous Peoples Resource Management Program, is a uniquely designed certificate program that is focused on providing a broad range of topic areas specific to the management of lands and resources.
The KA Program examines basic environmental, legal and economic aspects of land and resource management in Aboriginal communities. The KA Program also provides students with the opportunity to increase skill levels in communications, computers, time management, leadership, research, and project management.
For more information about the KA program, please visit
Akii and Environmental Stewardship Program at Algoma University
The Akii and Environmental Stewardship program is an innovative and dynamic certificate program designed to provide essential grounding in the field of land management. The level I portion of the program consists of 6 courses that cover a broad range of topics related to lands, resources and environmental management. Learners can also take an additional 4 courses and receive a certificate from Algoma University.
The Akii program blends in-person sessions with online learning options and offers choice between elective options for the final course. Learners can customize their learning and optimize their experience to suit their needs and interests. In this program, students build their knowledge, skill base, and relationships to work effectively in the field of land management and to prepare for Level II of PLMCP. The credits from PLMCP can be used to ladder into a diploma or degree program at Algoma University if certified land managers wish to continue to build their expertise in the field of land management after taking PLMCP.
For more information about the Akii and Environmental Stewardship Program please visit:
Microprogramme en gestion territorial en contexte autochtone at Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue
Le microprogramme de premier cycle en gestion territoriale en contexte autochtone répond aux besoins personnels et professionnels des étudiants en permettant de développer des savoirs et des compétences en lien avec la gestion territoriale en contexte autochtone, dont les dynamiques territoriales, le cadre réglementaire et juridique, les différents types d’exploitation du territoire (forestière, minière et énergétique) ainsi que les relations entre les personnes autochtones et allochtones
Microprogramme de 1 er cycle en gestion territoriale en contexte autochtone
Microprogramme de 1er cycle en gestion territoriale en contexte autochtone | UQAT
Professional Indigenous Lands Management Certificate at Vancouver Island University
The Indigenous Lands Management Certificate (ILMC) provides a structured set of courses relevant to individuals involved or interested in land use planning/lands management with First Nation communities. The Certificate will acquaint students with the necessary background in history, community design, community engagement, social research, intergovernmental relations, legal issues, treaties and agreements, land codes, site planning, and plan implementation to be successful as a Lands Planner/Manager in a First Nations’ community.
The successful completion of the Certificate will offer the student a grounding in the skills and tools they need to address issues in their home community and/or gain employment in other communities, agencies, and levels of government. The materials used will be relevant and will reflect the diversity of Indigenous communities across Canada. A community of learners will be developed as students complete the Certificate with other like-minded participants, and on-line platforms will be developed to encourage peer-support and cross learning long after the completion of the Certificate.
For more information about the Professional Indigenous Lands Management Management Certificate, please visit:
Level Two: Technical Training
The Technical Training, delivered by NALMA, deals with specific roles and responsibilities of a First Nation Land Manager operating under the Indian Act (RLEMP).
Students will learn the basic concepts and knowledge that govern land management activities, assisting them in their role as a Land Manager. Technical Training provides the student with skills such as: interpreting policies and procedures, recognizing appropriate authorities, understanding legal rules enabling or constraining land management decisions.
The technical training is offered in both official languages.
To view the PLMC Program Level Two course descriptions click the link below.

PLMC Program Level Two Course Descriptions
For additional information about NALMA’s Professional Lands Management Certification Program, please visit or contact:
Buffy Hill
Education and Training Administrator