Prize Winners
3 Grand Prizes were awarded to registered conference participants (land managers), who completed and submitted their overall conference evaluation form.
Prize #1: Magnetic Pin Locator
Edith Spence, Opaskwayak Cree Nation, MB

Prize #2: Garmin Montana 680 GPS
Yvonne Wienert, Osoyoos Indian Band, BC

Prize #3: Phanton 3 Advanced Drone
Deanna Ryder, Carry the Kettle First Nation, SK

Regional Lands Association Challenge
Each of NALMA’s 8 Regional Lands Associated were tasked with determining the distance between 2 fixed points, by pacing only. The winning Regional Lands Association was announced on the final day of the Conferenceā¦

…..and the winners were the First Nations Lands Managers Association for Quebec and Labrador (FNLMAQ&L)!!!
Event Pictures

Achievement Awards
CIBC Highest Academic Achievement Award 2015
Jennifer Predie, Wasauksing First Nation, ON
CIBC Highest Academic Achievement Award 2016
Victor RumboltO’Chiese First Nation, AB
Saskatchewan Aboriginal Land Technicians – Strength & Perseverance Award

Land Manager who has excelled overall in lands management within their community

Land Manager who has excelled in lands management, and has contributed and influenced the field of land management beyond their community

Land Manager who has excelled overall in land management within their community

Land Manager who has given a lifetime contribution to land management of ten (10) years or more

Recognition of past NALMA Board members:

Also recognized were:
- Joe Sabattis, Atlantic Region Aboriginal Lands Association
- Lance Yellow Face, Treaty and Aboriginal Land Stewards Association of Alberta
- Troy Beaulieu, Planning and Land Administrators of Nunavut
Graduation Gala

Dr. Mary Buhr and Gord Bluesky

Graduation Ceremony

Class of 2014-2015
Class of 2015-2016