British Columbia Aboriginal Land Managers (BCALM)

British Columbia Aboriginal Land Managers (BCALM) is non–political and operates as a technical land management advisory body only. BCALM’s main objective is to engage First Nation Land Managers in opportunities that will enhance their skills and knowledge and provide tools and systems to efficiently and effectively manage their lands.

BCALM endeavors to assist member First Nations to improve proficiency in the ongoing development, implementation and monitoring of First Nation Land Management practices. Having the competency and confidence can lead to opting into more advanced land management regimes by First Nations. For those First Nations already in a more advanced land management regime, such as those under the First Nation Land Management Act, Self-Government initiatives or treaty agreements, it gives those First Nations who are developing First Nation capacity in land management the same opportunities and benefits.

Mission Statement

“We, the British Columbia Aboriginal Land Managers (BCALM), seek to manage our First Nation lands and resources through professional best practices that promote sustainable use in the interest of our future generations.”


Several Lands Administrators throughout British Columbia expressed the need for British Columbia First Nations to keep abreast of activities and developments pertaining to First Nation land management issues on a National level. Many also recognized the potential benefits associated with forming a Regional Lands Association affiliated with the National Aboriginal Lands Managers Association. Four First Nations from British Columbia who maintained Associate Memberships with the National Aboriginal Land Managers Association, (“NALMA), believed that formation of a British Columbia Regional Association would greatly benefit and compliment both organizations in our joint efforts to increase capacity for First Nation Lands Managers. On March 12, 2012, the National Aboriginal Lands Managers Association Board of Directors voted to accept the membership application of the British Columbia Aboriginal Lands Managers. The four founding members are Coldwater Indian Band, Penticton Indian Band, Shushwap Indian Band and Skeetchestn Indian Band. It is our hope that BCALM, will provide an opportunity to share a wealth of knowledge in Land Management in the various land regimes, economic development, taxation and many other issues. All members of NALMA will benefit from the establishment of the British Columbia Regional Association.

Goals & Objectives

The goal of BCALM, as the British Columbia Regional Lands Association, is to provide a working environment to facilitate the participation and networking of all First Nation Land Managers on land related issues and create systems that will assist First Nation interests in various land management functions.

For additional information about BCALM, please contact:

Cindy Couch
Executive Director

British Columbia Aboriginal Lands Managers Association (BCALM)
5214 Clcahl Road
Armstrong, BC
V0E 1B4

C: (604)716-6340
E: ccouch@nalma.ca

Stephen Jimmie

British Columbia Aboriginal Lands Managers Association (BCALM)
5214 Clcahl Road
Armstrong, BC
V0E 1B4

E: stephen.jimmie@lnib.net