Atlantic Region Aboriginal Lands Association (ARALA)
Visit the ARALA Webpage : ARALA
Atlantic Region Aboriginal Lands Association (ARALA) operates as a technical land management body. ARALA’s main objective is to provide capacity building, training and expertise in the area of land management for First Nations Lands Managers in the Atlantic. Consequent objectives include developing an on-going communication and networking link of Lands Managers, developing processes for administering lands, and assisting Lands Managers with changes in policies, programs and situations. ARALA implements these objectives through professional and skill development workshops and to recruit participation from each First Nation in the Atlantic Region.
Mission Statement
To actively pursue professional and technical development standards related to land management within First Nation communities, and to attain a recognized role within all levels of government (both federal and provincial), as well as Non-Government Organizations, through these standards.
On March 31, 2000 the Atlantic Region Aboriginal Lands Association was established to provide a working environment, which would be comfortable to all First Nation Lands Managers, to network between each other on land related issues, and at the same time create systems that would assist First Nation interests in various land management functions.
Atlantic Region Aboriginal Lands Association is a non-political organization and operates as a technical land management advisory board only. It is not the intention of the Atlantic Region Aboriginal Lands Association to provide political consultation on land related issues.
The Association is comprised of Representatives from:
First Nations in Regional Land Administration Program (RLAP)
Reserve Lands and Environment Management Program (RLEMP)
First Nation Land Management Act (FNLMA)
Goals & Objectives
The goal of the Atlantic Region Aboriginal Lands Association is to provide a working environment, which will be comfortable to all First Nation Land Managers, to network between each other on land related issues, and at the same time create systems that will assist First Nation interests in various land management functions.
Contact Info
For additional information about ARALA, please contact:
Audrey Ward, Interim President
Atlantic Region Aboriginal Lands Association
Metepenagiag First Nation
Norah Ward-Osmond, Executive Director
Atlantic Region Aboriginal Lands Association
Elsipogtog Economic Development
29 Big Cove Road
Elsipogtog, NB E4W 2S1